Smoothie with pineapple, peach and grapefruit pulp

This sweet refreshing drink will please with its flavor and bring the body undoubted benefits! You can drink it to correct your figure, because it contains grapefruit. And it is known to burn fat. Also, the combination of products is aimed at the gentle removal of excess fluid and harmful substances from the body.

To prepare this smoothie you need:

2 whole grapefruits;

2 slices of ripe fresh pineapple;

1 tablespoon of natural honey;

1 peach pulp.


Citrus fruits peel from the peel and carefully free from all white partitions. This is mandatory, since the thin skin contains substances that give bitterness. Peel the pineapple from the peel and cut off slices (about 100 grams). Scald the peach with boiling water and get rid of the peel. Remove the pit. All fruits cut into cubes. Send the components to a blender, add honey. Turn the mass into a puree. Done!
